Project Scientist @ Carnegie Mellon, 2020-present
United States
Educational Technology Researcher, Technology Lead @ McLearn Lab, Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)
Postdoctoral Fellow @ Carnegie Mellon, 2018-2020
United States
Educational Technology Researcher, Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)
Development and maintenance of educational technology software including cognitive tutor interfaces
Analysis of educational data and development of predictive models
Development of augmented reality solutions that support teachers in the classroom
Testing the effectiveness of educational technology solutions by conducting school experiments
Publishing research findings in journals and conference proceedings
Software Engineer @ FirLab SRL, 2015-2018
Development and maintenance of an enterprise-grade human resource scheduling and management (Software as a Service) SaaS solution
Development and maintenance of an API-driven hybrid mobile app client for the SaaS solution
Software project management
Languages, tech, tools, OS, & Devices - ​Java, Python, Typescript, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, JUnit, Hibernate ORM, Spring Data, SQL, Javascript, JQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Lodash, Drools, Docker, Jenkins, Firebase, SOAP, REST, JWT, Git, AngularJS, Angular, Hybrid mobile apps, Ionic, Cordova, Linux, Raspberry PI, Microsoft HoloLens
PhD in Information Technology @University of Trento, 2012-2017
Dissertation: An Online Peer-Assessment Methodology for Improved Student Engagement and Early Intervention
MSc in Computer Science @University of Trento, 2010-2012
Object-Oriented Software Design, Web Architectures, Concurrent Programming, Embedded Systems, Advanced Networking, Security for IT
BSc in Information Systems @Addis Ababa University, 2002-2006
System Analysis and Design, Object-Oriented Software Design, Information System Project Management